Friday, October 30, 2009


From the desk of Lady Diva

Hello again my faithful friends. I see our last blog raised a lot of eyebrows as we have had plenty of responses. Both positive and negative, I appreciate them all. (Even though I believe the negative ones were just to play devil's advocate.) For all the nay-sayers I say this, you can't knock it until you try it. I understand those with concerns of disease (STD). However, if you have seen one (penis or vagina) you have seen enough to say, "Hmm this does or does not look right." Remember ONS and BC are not the reasons why STD's spread, Ignorance is.

This week we are delving into the world of Oral Sex; fellatio, cunnilingus, giving-head, going down, blow job, eating cooch. No I will not be teaching the proper techniques, LOL. I am getting into the most famous argument at hand. Why does it seem like a chore for some to reciprocate?

I mean, geesh, why does it seem like its alright for me to get down for mine but have to beg for him or her to go down for theirs? As long as your hygiene is tight and the package is pretty, what's the problem? Brothers, now you complain all the time that there are some females that will not give head but have you checked yourselves. Ladies, this includes you too. Keep it clean and trimmed. Wild bush is not attractive.

Unfotunate for some, we do live in a give to get world. Void are the days of romance and foreplay. Some of us want the excitement in the bedroom, show your true freaky side. I want to know if you (give head, eat cooch) like if its you last meal or are you the type to play around with it, complain that it makes you sick or front like you know what you doing but really don't.

We need to be upfront with our partners and ourselves. If you are down to go the whole-nine-yards then it should be a no-holds-barred when we get in the bedroom. Ladies, if you wanna keep your man, even if you don't want to admit it, you may need to learn a tongue trick or two. Remember, what we won't do someone else will. Really, what is holding you back besides the occasional sweaty testes.

Men, you are not off the hook. Just the same, you may want to learn a trick or two for your ladies. We can and will find satisfaction. Some may find it with themselves, some with another man that doesn't mind or even a woman. It is not that uncommon for a woman to find sexual healing in another woman. If you don't believe it, look around you.

Don't fool yourself into thinking your sex-game can't be replaced. Besides the toys and things we all keep hidden in the treasure chest, there is always someone around the corner waiting for their moment to slide or should I say, SLURP right in!

Just as much as we may hate the sound of Oral Sex, it is hear to stay and we have to grow to love it! Yes, love it. When you love it, Oh it shows. I believe in one good turns deserves another. When my man puts it down, I believe he deserves a reward and the sex thereafter will scream, "ENCORE, ENCORE!!!"

Now, if oral sex is not your thing by all means you are entitled to your beliefs, opinions whatever. But do not expect more than you are giving. Also, do not start something that you do not plan to keep up. False appearances, or as we say fronts, happens all the time but when it comes to sex this is a no-no! Do not empty the bag of goodies on the first day and then slack thereafter. Each day should continue to be promising of more treats to come. If you feel you have exhausted all you treats, hell pull out an old one, polish it off and put a different spin on it.

Sex, in any shape, form or fashion is and always will be the glue for any relationship. Keep your relationship tight by keeping your mind open to different techniques to keep your bedroom EXCITING!!! (Especially if you plan on keep them for the long haul! SMILE!!)

As always, I am looking forward to your questions, comments and concerns. Talk to me!

Live, Love and Laugh!!

Lady Diva

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Night Stand -VS-Booty Call

From the Desk of Lady Diva

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to all those who have visited Give It To Me Right!, became a follower and/or member on our Facebook group and reached out to give us your feedback. Due to the influx of compliments and encouragement, we are back with more juicy topics in the realms of sex, love and relationships.

Last week we focused on the first simple form of guilt free sex, MASTURBATION. This week we have chosen to focus on her step-sisters, One Night Stand and Booty Call. Those of you who have experienced either understand what I mean when I say they are just other forms of masturbation. Just like masturbation, we turn to One Night Stands and Booty Call to cure our need for an immediate, no strings attached orgasm.

The One Night Stand was once considered a single night theater performance. Still holding true to its meaning, it is still a single night performance between two (or more - hell the more the merrier, right?) individuals. One good sexual encounter between (almost) strangers for the sole purpose of a intimate release. There are those that look down on the One Night Stand (ONS) and may consider it pointless. (As if being able to release sexual frustration could ever be pointless.)

As with all other good things, there is always some kind of snafu. In this instance, its in the form of question. Is it possible for anyone to enter into these type of arrangements and stay committed to the No Strings Attached (NSA) rule? More so, can we have sex and not catch feelings?

My partner feels it is safer to stick with the good ole imagination. She says she has multiple ONS in her mind with the man of her dreams. She feels that its the safer way to play, no feelings and no worries. Like most, she believes no one can walk away from an ONS or Booty Call (BC) untouched. However, she is not against either. She just feels is a battle of mental strength.

I, on the other hand, have never, ever had a problem separating my emotions and walking away, head held high and fully satisfied. ONS are for those, who at times, do not desire a relationship but still crave the passion of intercourse. Yes, similar to a BC however, ONS does not have a second night encore performance whereas a BC can and most likely does.

ONS & BC, no matter the difference have one rule in common, it must be understood by both participants in order for it to work properly. False promises are not necessary nor appreciated. Individuals would much rather be told upfront what the situation is than harboring hard feelings down the line for being misled into thinking it would blossom into more. (HINT, HINT BROTHERS...SISTERS WANT OPTIONS!) But for the most part ONS are only considered by one and the other is unaware. After the sex, the dates, phone calls and all other sweet preludes cease. No need to continue to maintain the front, the job is done.

ONS stands are never with the same partner. I know many that are a fan of the ONS. As long as their desires are met, they're GREAT!!! I have had both a ONS and a BC. As a matter of fact, at one time I had a serious fear of relationships and lived by the motto, "one and done." I couldn't and didn't want to deal with he day after "clinginess". You know the type that cries, "But we had sex!" when you cut them loose. Now I am not saying a sister has a Kat made of platinum, but this one brother got a taste and it was hell to shake him loose. So in fear of making the same mistake, I made a pact with a friend to be my BC. And we remained that way for 5 years. He was like a best friend. Our relationship was never complicated, we confided in each other and developed a different kind of love for one another. He was there when I needed someone to kiss, cuddle and share in foreplay.

Now I am not knocking ONS, if that's your choice, by all means, do you!!! But as they say, "buyers beware." You may wind up with a clingy one and if your sex game is on point, you may want to think twice. All it takes is one good hit and someone can go from sane to stalker over good sex. (Trust me, I know. LOL)

However keep in mind this one rule: DON'T EVER ASSUME IT IS MORE THAT IT IS!! Be sure everyone is on the same playing field for maximum enjoyment. I say this because there are some that assume sex = relationships. Not at all.

I know people are saying ONS and BC are so risque, so many diseases. I NEVER said go raw! That should be a given but for those that need to hear it - USE A CONDOM! SAFE SEX = GREAT SEX!

Remember there is nothing dirty about sex as long as we practice safe sex and good hygiene
So live, love, have great sex and be happy.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Masturbation - The Original Teenage Love Affair!

From the Desk of Lady Diva

No I am not talking about your first crush or high school sweetheart. I am talking about MASTURBATION!!!! Yes, you read it right!

We all know that before we knew how to kiss, some of us were experiencing the satisfaction of that sweet orgasm. Men, don't think the ladies don't know that you have been practicing jacking off at 11, 12, 13. Ding, ding, ding...that when the teenage love affair begins. Hell, we were rubbing the Kat too. I mean, naturally, if we can't pleasure ourselves, how can we expect you to know what to do or help YOU help US get there, for that matter.

Let me see if I can remember when I first fell in love with masturbating. Oh yes, we are in love. A friend to the end, will never let you down and always there to lend a helping hand (smile). It had to be in junior high school. All the the girls and boys were discussing which "base" they had gotten too and with whom. Poor me, I didn't know even know how to kiss, much less touch and play with a penis or myself. So on one of my nights of solitude - the nights when my brother and sister were sleep before me - I went in the bathroom for my second bath (my cover in the event someone woke up) and began to find the spot that woke a feeling in me that made me smile like the Cheshire cat. I unconsciously began to play with my nipples which excited me and then I began to feel this rhythmic pulse between my legs. When I found where the sensation was coming from, I allowed my finger to dance to its beat.

Now for all those that don't remember your first orgasm is the most scariest and powerful shit you have yet to experience. I couldn't stop my leg from shaking, chills were running up and down my spine; I wanted to scream. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore my body began to spasm and a rush of calm filled me from head to toe.

Although it was the best thing that could have happened to me, I felt awkward and knew I couldn't share this with any of my friends. Therefore, I retreated to the pages in my journal. I never had the urge to try it again (not until I was 21). It was a great experience, I guess I just wasn't ready for what was next; Facing my sexuality. (Sorry that's another topic for another day). It was another 2 years before I allowed anyone <---(pay attention) anyone to play with Miss Kitty and another 5 before I was forced to do it for myself. Lol. However, that first orgasm set the precedent for future encounters and became an addiction there after. Like a dope fiend needing a hit, I now had the itch for more.

If you have a comment or a story to share on your "Teenage Love Affair" feel free to share it here.

Lady Diva

Welcome to Give It To Me Right!

Welcome to Give It To Me Right!.

This site is not for the "holier-than-thou" kind or prudes who believe sex is a secret and should be kept behind closed doors. Give It To Me Right! is here to liberate sex for all the closet freaks to feel comfortable in their sexual nature. I believe sex is the most beautiful gift alive and should be celebrated like a holiday. Therefore, I have created this space to post hot topics in the world of love, lust and sex, air my dirty laundry and give you the opportunity to air yours too.

Let's face it sex is the most powerful drug to date. It can heal depression, headaches, toothache, dry skin and the list goes on. Hell, it has lowered the risk of breast cancer. LOL. Seriously, everybody is doing it and wants to kiss and tell but scared to be the first or be labeled.

I am secure in my sexuality and embrace my inner freak so the gloves are off.
Nothing is off limits here so pop your wine, crack your liquor or whatever you prefer to get you in the mood for some mental foreplay.

The content on this site will be Rated X - For Mature Audience Only! You have been warned!

Keep up with our weekly post. We look forward to your comments and participation.

Sweet Creamy Dreams,

Lady Diva