2010 -- It is a new decade people and it is time we get off of our backsides and make a difference. I am not talking about in the world, just yet. I am solely focusing on ourselves. Like some, I have let myself go. I have gained back all the weight I have worked so hard to get off over 5 years ago.
Now, I know you are reading and thinking what does this have to do with sex. ALOT!!! Without first pleasing ourselves, self-fulfillment, we are vulnerable to destruction. We seek less than we are worth because we don't believe we can achieve the best. Believe it or not, your sex drive is affected by lack of self-confidence. When your mind is constantly preoccupied with your looks, social and financial status, your sex game is thrown off.
It is our time to regain our confidence. No more excuses. If its your weight that's a problem, tackle it one small step at a time, let's cut out the junk and prepared foods. Your finances, cut back on the wants and focus on the needs. Your social status, get out there and network. Nobody wants a nobody. You have to be important to yourself in order to be important to somebody else. And if the person you are with is not about change, then change that too. Don't be held down and unhappy. It's ME time, baby!!!
Once we situate our lives to where we are comfortable in the role we play and the skin we are in, we will be ready to ride that horse (or lay down that pipe - Men). We have been giving our partners lazy sex because we are not in the mood to be intimate. That is not there fault and should not be punished. Keep in mind, it's only going to be so long before they seek to find that spice they are missing. Want to keep your mate? Satisfy yourself.
Books, Blessings & Bliss
Lady Diva
If your or someone you know is in the Atlanta, Georgia area; come meet me at Nubian Books in Southlake Mall, February 19th from 3pm to 6pm. I will be signing my first novel, Completely Satisfied. For more information, question or comments, feel free to contact me @ ladydiva821@yahoo.com.