Sunday, November 15, 2009

What will it take to be Completely Satisfied?

From the desk of Lady Diva

Ok, so we have explored almost all the avenues of sexual satisfaction. But, with all that said, will you ever be completely satisfied? I am asking this in regards to 2 things that have come to mind. The word Nympho and Cheaters. Why label a sexually expressive person a nympho? And how far is too far before it's considered cheating?

I am not trying to start any problems in anyone's relationship but if your partner is dissatisfied sexually, is it fair to keep them from fulfilling their desires? I think so. Why label them nymphos and then call them cheaters for seeking pleasure elsewhere. True, they are cheaters to themselves if they continue to deprive themselves of the fulfillment they crave. It is human nature to seek the sweet release from sexual stimulation. Yes, it can be addictive and just as any addiction can be control. So why must we label a human with a high sex drive a Nympho? So what do we call all those that don't desire sex as much? How about we just stop the labeling and accept that although we are all made to be different we are all perfect in our own ways. And if you can not handle all that I am giving, maybe its not meant to be. As they say, there is always somebody for everybody. Shape up or ship out.

And cheaters, how far is too far? I know intercourse down right draws the line. But before intercourse, what are the things that should be considered innocent, if such a thing. Is kissing cheating? Talking? Hanging out? For me, it's that exchange of intimacy. There can be intimacy before intercourse. When you develop an emotion, not just an attraction, but a need to be with that person, you have gone too far. I can deal with a kiss, a hug and an innocent conversation or two. But intimacy, sharing secrets and private thoughts are cause for breaking up. I know they are plenty that may disagree and I welcome your thoughts. What is too far for you? Also, can you accuse someone of cheating if you are not giving them what they need to be satisfied? Have you checked your head game? What about your freaky side? Are you embarrassed to express your fantasies?

People listen before we go out there thinking we are ready to complicate out lives with relationship be sure you know who you are and what you are looking for. People are too willing to accept anything and then start name slinging when they become dissatisfied with who their partner has become when all the while they are who they always were.

Talk to me. I need to know what's on your mind.

Hugs, Kisses and Sweet Bliss,

Lady Diva


  1. Rhea Alexis M. BanksNovember 16, 2009 at 5:48 PM

    If this is so, then that person should refrain from getting into relationship where it's suppose to be one and one only or marruage. If you get into those types of relationships then you are cheating regardless of the reason.

  2. Awwh Come on Ms. Rhea. Isn't it unfair to say that someone with high sexual urges is incapable of monogamy? What I am trying to say is that we really need to learn our partners before we involve ourselves with sex and the emotions that run with them. I totally understand if you are trying to say that those who can not be faithful should not involve themselves in any type of monogamous relationship. However, I am solely stating that I hear women complain of the cheater they are involved with and when you ask them well what are you doing to change this, be it sexual or otherwise, they have no response. If you can not please the one you are with let them be instead of forcing them to be someone they are not.

  3. so true . i feel the same. i wish y partner felt the same way . i wanna be pleased and is willing to please her or give her the opportunity to fulfill her desires elsewhere if she has to

  4. "If you can not please the one you are with let them be instead of forcing them to be someone they are not "

    I agree, I would let him be, free to move on and live his life as he chose to but it wouldn't be with me as I chose not to share a mate.

    You can't do anything to please a cheater if that's what one choses to do.
