Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Truly Amazing! The Wonders of You.

It is absolutely a mind-blowing experience when something that you have been praying on for so long start to come to light. Over the last month, I have been beating myself up. Feeling like you are not productive from day to day can take a toll on you emotionally and mentally. I began to feel as if a lot of the steps I had taken towards securing my financial future were actually going to be my financial setbacks and that I would have to give-up on a lot of the hard work I had already put into these projects. However, I am beginning to see my hard work bring my dreams to fruition.

As the saying goes, God will never put more on us than we can bear. These are our test. If we stand true to our heart desires than anything we set our minds to can become a reality. I see now that I was just being tested. I asked myself over and over "What am I doing?", "Why am I trying so hard to make this happen?" and "How do these things relate?". Now I can see how all these things correlate. My dream is to be a mentor, a motivator, a teacher to anyone who can learn from my mistakes both personally and professionally. I used my books as a way to reach those individuals who feel shut out and lost. Yet I still felt unsatisfied. I start my career in Mary Kay to connect and network with like minded ladies that we dreaming big and 'doing it for themselves'. Still a void lived within.

It wasn't until I began to talk and actually listen to myself and those around me. I am here for a grand purpose. God has brought me through many struggles and somehow I buried the message deep within. The message was meant to be shared, to inspire and motivate. The more I began to open up and release that hurt, anger and lies, the greater my purpose became. The picture became crystal clear. My goal is is right before me. The more I accept who I am and where I have been, the closer I get to where I am supposed to be.

Lately, God has been placing the ideas right in front of me and now I understand. People and opportunities are falling into my lap. Life is turning around in a way I would have never expected. It started with first learning who I really am so that I know what I have to offer. This is key in relationships of any kind. Knowing what makes me tick has shown maturity in my thoughts, decision making and lifestyle. Finding my drive was next in my journey. Once you come to realize that you are living your dream, you smile without thought. That's joy! You're happy from the heart. Now you are ready to grow, be strong and spread your wealth. Not financial wealth. Knowledge.

In 2012, find your worth. Discover the gem that has been hiding inside of you. Dream and believe in yourself. There is an untapped happiness within that will take you to places you have only prayed to find. Reach out to someone. Be their support and in turn they just might be what you need to find what makes you, YOU! We all have a purpose in life. Let's start defining who we are.

Books, Blessings and Bliss to you all!

Danette Maroney

Free Book Offer for all my fans!

Great News!!! The first ten people to purchase Completely Satisfied and Never Too Much will get Never Satisfied free!!! Hurry this sale ends tonight @ 11pm. Go to and order both books to receive Never Satisfied free!

Thank you for your support!

Danette Maroney

Friday, December 23, 2011

Achieving My Goal

Good Morning,

You guys are FANTASTIC!!!
We are so close to reaching my goal! Still need your help. Asking all of you to help me achieve my goal to sell just 50 books by 12/25. Please visit http://​​ to purchase any of my titles. All books are discounted now for just $11 for 1 & $38 for all 4 (s/h & tax included). Buy the 4 book combo and receive a free thank you gift with your order.

Thank you for your support. Please pass this along.

Books & Blessings,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Biggest Book Sale Ever

Now until 11:59pm Christmas Eve, you can purchase my 4 books for just $38.00 shipping and handling included. That's less than $10 a book folks. Get yours today @ (Books are $11.00 individually)
Please pass the word. I am trying to meet my goal before the end of the year.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

Also, I am looking for a book reviewer. If you or anyone you know may be interested please send an email to

Books & Blessings

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What I Know For Sure...

Inspired by Oprah, I have decided to dedicate a blog to my readers sharing my knowledge with those seeking direction and wishes for the future.

What I Know For Sure...

I always knew what I wanted to accomplish in life and where I would be in 5, 10, 15 years. I allowed too many non-factors to cause me to deviate from my path. So, what I know for sure is that you should never let anyone ever stand in the way of your true desires.

My goal in life was to help my young sisters and brothers avoid some of the rocky roads that I have traveled and climb the mountain to success. I have been told many times that my stories of trials and triumph could be motivational to someone who may not see the light at the end of the tunnel. In writing my novels, I felt that I was providing hope and encouragement to my fellow sisters who have been abused, homeless, abandoned and still struggling. Still there is so much more I can do to reach so many more women.

I have been that sister that has lived in an abusive relationship for over 7 years. I know the feeling all too well, feeling like you have to stay because there is no place left to go and after a while to try to rationalize the beatings. However, what I must share with my sisters is that it is never permissible for a man or other partner for that matter to physical, mentally or emotional abuse you. We owe it to ourselves and our children to want better for ourselves. Recognize your self-worth and live to see bigger and brighter days. Yes, the days ahead may look scary, to some the fear is being alone but if and when you truly love yourself, you are never alone.

It is my hope that in this upcoming year we all achieve those goals we set out for ourselves. In this coming year, I am going to open myself to give a little more. Not financially, for sure. I want to be inspirational to someone that may not realize how beautiful life is when we learn to appreciate the cards we were dealt as a life guide. Sometimes we must go through the bad to understand the good. Life is never going to be easy. I learn with each obstacles to appreciate something new in the world and something new in me.

Next year, 2012, I claim it for myself and those around me as the year to value ourselves. We are going to to learn how to put ourselves first and prioritize our lives (home, work, etc.). Set ourselves up for success and not let the troubles of our past dictate our futures. I invite you all to challenge yourself to be different than your usual. Reach out to someone and offer words of encouragement and praise. You will see that it will change you both, lifting your spirit and filling you with a joy that no one can ever take away.

What I Know For Sure is that for every one of us that takes the time to get to know ourselves we will in turn motivate someone else to find that peace within themselves by discovering that special person eager to come out. We keep so much of ourselves bottled up after each hurt that we wind up closing ourselves off from possibilities. What I Know For Sure is that everything happens for a reason and it is always best to find the brighter side to every setback.

I am ending this year with a special blessing for all of my sisters and brothers that feel that life has let them down. Life has only just begun and I will be here with you to make the best of every day to come.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Books, Blessings and Bliss,

Danette Maroney

Monday, December 19, 2011

Learning How to Reintroduce Myself

Over 8 years ago, I was in the center of every Networking circle in the NY area. No matter what I made it my business to show up and show out. In doing this I was able to get my name out there and a few copies of my books in the hands of some very good people. My sales reflected my hard work and dedication. Two years later, I was recouperating from heart surgery and have not been able to get myself or my focus back to where I once stood.

Even though I tried to maintain communication with alot of my readers, network friends and business affiliates, it is extremely hard to break into the new business network circles. For the most part, I am unfamiliar with a lot of the events in Atlanta. It is not as easy as searching Google. Then when I do find something where I can begin my fresh start, reality kicks in and reminds me I am not ready (financially). However, I will not become discouraged and I will not sweep my dreams or desires under the rug anymore.

When building a business we have to keep in mind that every minute of our day is an opportunity to make a new business contact. Therefore, it is crucial to remain professional because you never know when you are making that "first" impression. Part of learning how to reintroduce myself is to practice my lines. Not that I have a script that I read from but I must remember that I must use each meeting as a chance to acquire a new contact. Have a personal and professional resume about myself that I can ease into casual conversation. When someone asks, "So, tell me something about yourself.", this is the time to make it POP! Never look down on yourself or your achievements. Even if your career is at a stand still, be exciting!

I would say, "For the last 8 years I have been working very hard at beoming an Essence best selling author." After all this is my dream. "I have written and published 4 novels that have been well received by readers of all ages, races, and genders. Currently, I am in the process of finding a way to merge my passion for writing with my love for giving back to my community. I see myself becoming a Motivational Speaker in the near future and have already started college courses to obtain a degree in Communication."

If you are genuine and passionate about your work than your listener will be interested in you and your work. Passion is what binds us as a group, unit or couple. Sharing the same drive to become successful, break into a specific line of work or even just improving ourselves draws us closer as we support each other.

These are not things I learned over night. I had to look deep and figure out what was holding me back. I found that it was me. I was my own worst enemy. Passing up on many opportunities because I always felt like I was not ready. My fear of failure is what was keeping me from soaring to my success. I had to stop doubting myself and my skills. I have already broke the barrier, it is just a matter of finding the right audience. The only way for me to do this is putting myself on display and making a GREAT first impression.

When looking for ways to break into your market do not look down on the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so many other social networking forums. We are in the technology era. Everyone finds comfort in the ease of online marketing and networking. Become a fan to some markets familiar to your line of work to meet and network with business affiliates and future clients/customers/fans.

Network with me. Find me on Facebook @
  1. Envisage Publishing:!/pages/Envisage-Publishing/134267513289794 or
  2. Mary Kay & Me:!/pages/Mary-Kay-Me/119443978162333
I can also be found on Twitter @ladydiva821 and on LinkedIn:

As always, I wish you all success ad prosperity for the many years to come.

Books, Beauty and Bliss,

Danett Maroney

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Healthy Living 101 - Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy on a budget does not mean to sacrifice the things you enjoy. There are easy ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay within a reasonable budget. For the most part, people are tuning to healthier food options such as grains, leafy vegetables and less or no meats. One of the most often used resources for budgeting are coupons. Secondly, shopping at local markets can also put extra pennies in your pocket. Lastly, buying in bulk is another budget friendly alternative. There are many options available to provide your family with healthy meals while being budget conscience. These tips will provide you with just a few of options available.

Cut Out Meat

Those that are approaching a healthier life-style may have resort to purchasing grass-fed, pastured or hormone-free meats. However, eating healthy on a budget does not afford many this option because these types of meat are generally more expensive than is what is readily available at the neighborhood supermarkets. What people need to realize is that most American consume more meat than they need to. Therefore, it is possible to continue buying those pricier meats as long as you are willing to cut back on the amount you eat. Purchasing higher cost, quality meats but consuming less of them is a great way to cut costs.

Grains and Beans

To get the most for your buck, stock up on grains and beans. Grains and beans (or legumes) are an inexpensive addition to any meal and makes eating healthy on a budget a snap. Also, they contain a nutritional power punch. Grains and beans add the filling feeling most people expect to get from meat. As you begin to incorporate beans and grains into your recipes there are a few things you should keep in mind. Grains are all the same so they basically can all be prepared the same way. If you are accustomed to cooking rice, you are ready to try different grains. Give it a little jazz by adding fresh herbs and it will be a hit on the dinner table. If you are interested in making a lighter meals try experimenting with quinoa. It has a lighter texture. For a heavier meal, like breakfast or even an early dinner, give barley a try. It has a meatier feel. If you are an individual that often enjoys cooking but has a busy schedule stock up on canned beans. Canned beans are great for chili’s and soups as meat

Eating healthy on a budget does not require drastic diet changes or flavor sacrifice. Knowing which items can both include flavor and fulfillment to each dish will make meal planning easy and enjoyable. Include more grains and decrease the amount of meat in your recipes and your meals with keep your stomach and wallets happy and full. Enjoy the flavor you love while watch your families grow healthy and your savings increase. Invent new recipes, try new flavors and set a savings goal. These will make eating healthy on a budget more like a new journey and less of a necessity.

Healthy Living 101 - Pharmaceutical Colon Cleanse

Pharmaceutical Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing has many alternatives. Many prefer a pharmaceutical colon cleanse which would include laxatives. Many supporters of colon cleansing say that that it can improve your health. Colon cleansing may be useful for some that suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and experience chronic constipation. However, saline laxatives and pharmaceutical laxatives can cause side effects and drug interactions. There are healthy alternative to achieve a proper colon cleanse. Juice fasting in moderation can also improve the health of your colon without flushing your body of the nutrients needed for proper function. Before attempting any form of colon cleanse consult your doctor.

Natural Colon Cleanse: Herbs

Pharmaceutical colon cleanse are known for stripping the body of vitamins and nutrients necessary to promote a healthy body. Alternatives such as psyllium, senna and aloe have also proven to provide similar results to laxative without damaging the body. Psyllium acts as a bulk laxative. In the stomach, psyllium expands to form a clear, jelly-like matter that gently pushes matter out of the colon. Senna is a highly effective herb that works as a stimulant laxative. Senna causes the bowels to contraction which helps to flush waste from the digestive tract. There may be some side effects such as cramping and diarrhea. Another natural alternative is aloin. Aloin is a compound found in the aloe plant and also an effective laxative. Aloe has also been proven to soothe stomach pains and nausea during a colon cleanse.

Natural Cleansing Juices

Using natural fruits and vegetables may also be an alternative to a pharmaceutical colon cleanse. A colon cleanse may be accomplished with the right mix of fruits, vegetables, water and leafy greens. Blending fruits and vegetables into a healthy juice can aide in colon cleansing while providing the body with the components required for a healthy body. Fruit and vegetables provide the body with vitamin and nutrients required to function properly and maintain a healthy weight and physical strength. The juice diet should be well rounded and include many types of fruits and vegetables. For a successful colon cleanse, use fruits and vegetables that your enjoy. Trying new fruits and vegetables may not suit your flavor buds and cause you to be put off by the concoction. It is recommended to try using your favorite six fruits, four vegetables and two types of leafy greens. The most common fruits for juicing are oranges, berries, mangos, peaches, pineapple, cucumber, honeydew, watermelon, apples and tomatoes. For vegetables try celery, bell peppers, carrots, beets and corn. The best and most favored leafy greens include: spinach, collard greens, and kale. These greens are even known to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

If you are contemplating colon cleanse as a way to shed some unwanted weight, be sure you do not overdo it. Flushing your symptoms can do harm if done in excess. Also before trying the pharmaceutical colon cleansing products consider the natural alternatives such as herbs and juices. Experiment with different fruit and vegetable blends therefore you never get tired of the same flavor combinations. Also, juices provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients which are beneficial for a healthy and successful weight loss.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Great sale on "Never Satisfied" by Danette Maroney

For the next 24 hours I am offering 30% off Never Satisfied.

Never Satisfied Is based on the life of Charisse, Imani's best friend in Completely Satisfied. Charisse shares her stories of love, lust and life as she faces alienation after coming out to her family at just 16, the heart break of loving her first, her desires for the one she can't have and the drama of having them ALL! In Never Satisfied, Charisse demonstrates that having too many unfinished chapters will only leave you longing for the what ifs and doing any and every thing to satisfy that craving.

Get your copy today at or contact me@

Monday, December 5, 2011

Healthy Living 101 - All You Can Eat Fad Diets

All You Can Eat Fad Diets

With weight loss on the rise, so are those trying to turn a profit in the health and diet industries. Many companies say to have found the way to lose weight quick and effectively. However, with all these fad diets there are tons of risks. There are many all you can eat fad diets however there is one that stands out about the rest. The 7 day all you can eat diet offers individuals who are unwilling to make long term lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy body a quick and easy fix for fast weight loss. The 7 day all you can eat diet also known as the cabbage soup diet, the GM diet, the Sacred Heart diet or just simply the all you can eat diet restricts you to a certain food or foods. However you can often eat as much as you like of it for that day. This diet is just a fad diet. It has been circulating around the World Wide Web for years. The all you can eat diet is unhealthy and dangerous.

Metabolism Damage

The all you can eat fad diets work by restricting the number of calories consumed each day. At times, the diet reduces your caloric intake to a dangerously low level and causes your body to go into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism. Lowering your metabolism causes your body to burn calories slower and store it as fat. It is possible to lose weight on this diet however you will immediately gain all the weight back as soon as you go off the diet. Possibly gaining more weight than before you started the diet because of the damage to your metabolism.

Muscle Mass & Malnutrition

Two other major health risks of all you can eat fad diets include loss of muscle mass and vitamin/nutrient deficiencies. Because your body goes into starvation mode it try to find other way to lower the amount of calories needed to function. Therefore, your body will attack your muscles. Muscles burn calories even when they are not in use so burning muscles will save those calories. By the end of you’re the all you can eat diet, you are weaker than you were before. Without the energy to exercise you will not be able to maintain a healthy body or healthy weight loss. Secondly, the all you can eat diet does not provide a balanced meal plan. Your body needs a balanced diet for all its major vitamins and nutrients. With the drastic weight loss your body is bound to suffer vitamin deficiencies due to the poor diet. Vitamin deficiencies lead to a vast majority of serious health conditions.

All you can eat fad diets such offer quick solutions for weight loss followed by a variety of consequences. What good is it to lose weight if you are destroying it in the process? The best way to lose weight is maintaining a proper diet and exercise. There are no magic weight loss solutions. Weight loss is a gradual process. Time your time to give your body what it needs and you will be pleased with the final result. Consult your physician when attempting weight loss for helpful tips and advice to ensure a healthy body.

Healthy Living 101 - Hormonal Cravings

Hormonal Cravings

Hormonal cravings are the effects of changes in our hormones. Hormones are chemicals released by cells or glands that send messages to other parts of the body and contribute largely to our body’s composition and health. There are hormones that stimulate or inhibit your growth, control mood swings, activate or inhibit the immune system, regulate metabolism, prepare the body for activity such as mating or fighting, new phases of life such as puberty or menopause, and control the reproductive cycle. Hormones are largely responsible for spikes in appetite or odd food combinations also known as hormonal cravings. Cravings are mostly temporary and come from time to time, depending on the situation or change. For instance, some of the most noted hormonal cravings are related to women who are approaching their menstruation date or during pregnancy.

Cravings and the Woman’s Body

Research suggests that hormonal cravings are caused by changes in our body that may be affected or that may affect your hormones. In times of stress, menstruation and pregnancy women tend to find that they feel compelled to eat foods that sometimes not in their regular diet. Some women may want to snack excessively on sweets or foods that are salty to taste. This is said to happen because change in hormone levels affect the brain to produce chemicals such as serotonin which can cause women to desire certain food as a way of presenting themselves. For example, women have been known to crave pickles during pregnancy. Pickles are commonly salty to the palette. During pregnancy a woman’s blood volume and will require extra sodium to ensure proper fluid balance. Therefore woman will take to salty foods such as pickles to satisfy this need for sodium. Old wives tales suggests that women crave ice because their bodies are deficient in iron. However, some cravings are symptoms of a serious condition known as “pica”. When cravings begin to include items such as laundry starch, clay, baby powder or pencils it may be sign to see a medical professional. Pica is a condition among children and the mentally handicapped. Pica can sometimes be overlooked in children as children often put things in their mouth as a sign of curiosity.

Cravings and Your Diet

Some hormonal cravings may include large amounts of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are linked to obesity. Carbohydrates are foods that should be eaten in moderation. However, there are food alternatively that have been known to satisfy the carb craving. Substitute starchy for with foods that are rich in whole grains. Whole grains contain the fiber and protein necessary to boost your metabolism and prevent cravings for carbs and some sweet. Whole grain foods are a complex carbohydrate and take longer for our bodies to process therefore it helps to maintain a constant blood sugar level. Do not avoid your cravings. Avoiding your body’s need for certain nutrients can lead to consumption of otherwise unhealthy foods to provide a quick satisfaction for those cravings. Also, people that ignore their cravings tend to eat more than normal. Instead of ignoring your cravings find healthy alternatives. For instances, if you desire more sweets try snacking on fresh fruits.

Hormonal cravings are a big issue for those trying to maintain a healthy diet and avoid snack foods described as “junk foods”. Be sure to avoid overeating by satisfying those needs with healthy alternatives. Sometimes eating several small meals a day will help ease the cravings as you are constantly providing your body with the fuel and nutrients needed to stay healthy and strong.