Sunday, December 4, 2011

Try these fruits to boost your metabolism.

Metabolism Boosting Fruits


Lemon is one the many fruits that contain many benefits. Most individuals resort to lemon when seeking help with chest colds, constipation and weight loss. Lemon has also been used to destroy intestinal worms. Lemon is also a powerful antibacterial. Lemons also boost the metabolism. With Vitamins A and C, lemon provides a good source of vitamins that is essential for healthy teeth, gums and bones. The Vitamin C in lemons increase immunity as well as accelerate metabolism. Lemon with warm water and honey is a great way to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and excessive bile. Drinking a cup of this natural detox every morning will help burn fat and shed excessive weight in a safe and natural manner. For a happy and healthy body, add lemon to your weight loss regimen. One lemon a day will results in noticeable results within a week. Not only will you see a difference in your waistline, but your body will be a great shield against the common cold, influenza and malaria.


Limes are a bright green citrus fruit that is available year round in all supermarket and fruit stands. Limes are a tropical fruit from the continent of Asia that has been linked to weight loss. Fruits related to the lime such as grapefruits, lemons and oranges have all been said to provide loads of essential vitamins and other health benefits. The fruits of the citrus family have also been widely used in weight loss aides. Many use limes as a way to boost their metabolism and burn calories. Along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, can limes can help you reach your weight loss goals. They are also low in calories. A whole lime contains only 20 calories, of a gram of fat and no saturated fat. Just one lime also provides 23 percent of your daily value for Vitamin C, an important nutrient. The best use for limes as a weight loss aide is to drink a glass of water with a slice of lime as a replacement to other high calorie beverages. There are no calories in a glass of water with a slice of lime. Limes also add a ton of flavor to recipes without adding a lot of calories.


Amazing weight loss results are linked to fruits and vegetables that you eat every day. For instance, an orange contains your full daily dose of Vitamin C. Oranges provide a double benefit. Besides providing your body with nutrients needed to help your body stay healthy and free of cold causing bacteria, oranges can boost your metabolism and burn fat. Oranges contain 45 percent Vitamin C which is 54 percent of the recommended daily nutritional daily intake. The peel of an orange is also consumable and has dietary benefits. The peel of an orange also has a high source of Vitamin C and fiber. Fiber promotes great digestive track health by riding the body of excess waste. Oranges are a great addition to recipes as well. Drinking an 8 ounce glass of orange juice every morning will keep your immunity strong in the fight against colds and viruses.


Having a snack between meals or as a meal replacement can help give your body energy by providing a boost of fuel. Apples, for example, are a great snack because of their high fiber content and natural sugars. Healthy snacks like apples in appropriate portions can help you avoid feeling extremely hungry between meals which lead to overeating. Overeating is the leading cause in weight gain because it leaves you feeling sluggish and lazy. With a healthy supply of carbohydrates and proteins, apples help build muscle. Building muscle aides in weight loss because muscle cells burn fat cells. Apples contain only 65 calories of which only 2 calories are from fat. The rest of the calories will burned during daily activities. Apples do not contain any saturated fat and up to 17 grams of 17 grams of carbohydrates which is the fuel your body needs to stay energized. Having an apple a day keep more than the doctor away, it also keeps away those calorie laden cravings.


Grapefruits provide the same benefit as other fruits of the citrus family however grapefruits are more filling than a range and more appealing to the taste than a lemon or lime. Grapefruit can be added as a component to a great breakfast. Grapefruits have the same natural ability to help cut excess fat and boost the metabolism. Many prefer to drink grapefruit juice throughout the day for energy boost as well as a hunger eliminator. Ruby Red or Pink grapefruits are 2 of the many variations of this fruits. Ruby Red and Pink grapefruits are also the most commonly eaten type of grapefruit as they tend to be a little sweeter and gentler on the palette. The average serving size for grapefruits is 230 grams the equivalent to a whole grapefruit. Grapefruits contain 97 calories of which 3 calories are from fat. Grapefruit contain an entirely larger amount of Vitamin C. Other nutritional benefits of grapefruit are Vitamin A and Carbohydrates. The Carbs in grapefruits are what keep you filling full and satisfied. The natural sugars eliminate the desire for unhealthy snack alternative. Eating a half of grapefruit for breakfast will kick start your metabolism into high gear and begin burning away those excess calories.


Many berries are effective in weight loss and energy boost. Berries such as cranberry and blueberry provide a wealth of health benefits including boosting your metabolism. However, no berry has become as widely known and sought after as the acai berry. The acai berry is a type of fruit grown in Brazil. It has a vibrant purple hue and extremely rich in antioxidants, which have been linked to the fighting against aging. The acai berry can be consumed in either a juice or pill form and can be found mostly in health and nutrition stores. The acai berry is connected with boosting metabolism because of its properties such as simple sugars, fiber and vitamins. Fruits containing natural (simple) sugars can easily burned by the body and converted into energy. The amount of fiber in the acai berry also helps the body stay full for a longer period of time. It is suggested that a combination of natural sugars for fuel combined with slow-burning fiber is a winning combination for metabolism boost and burning fat. The water content of fruit is an added benefit why fruit can help you shed pounds. It has shown that when the body is properly hydrated those cravings and hunger pains subside. It has been noted that often times dehydration can be mistaken for hunger.

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